My gosh! It's been so long since I last wrote anything. I'm still trying to clear away the cobwebs in my head and trying to think up a suitable/comic/entertaining topic on which to express my views/opinions...
Facebook takes up too much of my time these days. I'm either farming, or taming the wilderness or commenting on people's posts, status messages, videos, photos et all. If not FB or Gtalk, then it's work (which till recently had almost killed my social life, not that I have too much of it like my brother who meets his friends every single night. Lucky dog!).
So anyway, that's what my life has become these days. Get up in the morning, get ready, travel to office (which in itself is a challenge as mentioned in an earlier post), reach office, fight to get into the lift so that it can carry me to the fourth floor, switch on my laptop which easily takes 10 minutes to boot up, check my mails, shoot off mails left, right and centre while enjoying a paid cup of coffee from a vending machine (yes I's the height of cost cutting when you have to pay Rs.5.50 for a 100ml cup of crappy coffee!). Then after some more work, it's off to lunch to the cafeteria where I have to again fight for a table (it's not funny when people occupy a table gossiping after their meal is done. C'mon get up and make some space for the souls who are stranded with their food in their hands!), back to work, Facebook and Gtalk. After passing time in the virtual world I take some time out to meet real people too in office which passes some more time and then it's travelling back home (stressful!)...A walk (my only exercise) is in the offing if I reach home in time, otherwise laze around on the couch and watch TV, have dinner, watch some more TV and go to bed. The same routine follows the next day and the day after that and so on and so forth...Damn! I need to go on a vacation now, but won't be getting any leave thanks to the chicken pox which had me out of action for two full weeks! There goes my plan down the drain of visiting Rajasthan in November :-(
I know that the majority of people reading this would be going through almost the same ordeal everyday and they would be cribbing about it too. But i guess that's life (unfortunately!)...It's funny how when we are small, we dream of growing up and once we do grow up, we wish we were kids again...Sigh...